Re: Questiona about timezones

whoops - slipped off the list :-(

> How do the system libraries dig out the information?
> For TZ information about one's own host, can you not use
> Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone gets you the
> information to pass in a form? and then on the server side there's
> datetime/DateTime (python/PHP, respectively) that you can build into
> HTML to be passed to client JS.  But again, that's HTML/JS that would
> have to be layered on top whatever JSON API you were building.

form variables. We could put it in the json.. but this degrades the
of the json with what is context information

Some one else asked: geolocation - when correct - is not reliable anyway.
The web server might be a facade located differently from the actual
system, but the actual clinical system might also be located in multiple
timezones (e.g. multi-homed).

> We believe that we need a way for the client and server to communicate
> > with each other about their timezones, and we think that it should be
> > in the http headers. We're surprised that this hasn't come up more
> > widely...
> Ok.  That draft, of course, only goes in one direction

yes we would probably use it in both...


Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2018 10:59:11 UTC