Re: Some half-baked thoughts about cookies.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 4:05 PM Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
> So, looking into the crystal ball, won't this lead to clients using both
> cookies *and* Sec-HTTP-State ?

To Daniel's point here (and Mark said something similar), this does
several things at once.  It removes the option for state offload at
the HTTP layer in favor of a (long) fixed string.  It also resets the
scope of identifiers that can be persisted.

I really like the idea of narrowing the scope problem of cookies;
cookies are awful, mostly because they cross origin boundaries in
awful ways.  And document.cookie is similarly terrible.  Bundling
those two changes with the removal of state offload might be too much
though.  Other HTTP clients don't have indexedDB or service workers to
fall back on for this use case.

Cookies are - from the perspective of a user - superior in almost
every way. The CSRF benefits here seem fairly hard to get excited
about enough to use this new, more limited thing.  I can maybe see
sites doing this for high value state, if it comes to that, but that's
being optimistic.

I don't understand how the cross-origin use of these is intended to
work (what requests do the options apply to?).

p.s., Not sure that son-of-token-binding is worth doing here.  Proving
that you know a cookie-analogue as opposed to just providing the value
might be neat, but it's still leap of faith.  Besides, token binding
was a ton of work to get right.

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2018 07:18:40 UTC