> I've always viewed DNS + TLS as kind of a belt-and-suspenders kind of
> thing, where one needs to mount two (usually unrelated) exploits to
> successfully hijack an origin. I'm uncomfortable with backing down from
> that, but this might just be due to a misperception on my part: is CT
> deployed broadly enough that it provides a viable backstop against such
> attacks? (On a quick glance, I believe that zero of the ten defects I cited
> in my earlier message would have been thwarted by OCSP).
> /a
The tradeoffs here are well tread ground by the working group.
Chrome will be requiring CT participation for all new publicly trusted
certificates issued after April 2018. Being in a public log is currently
very common because of this and of course an ORIGIN implementation is free
to ignore ORIGIN where it doesn't feel there are sufficient suspenders in