Re: Underscores

On 5/11/2018 9:16 AM, Ben Schwartz wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I'm working on a draft in HTTPBIS proposing a new RRTYPE that uses 
> underscores:
> Does this underscore pattern match your new recommendation?  If you 
> could send your thoughts to the HTTP mailing list [1], that would help 
> us make sure we're getting the structure right, since we're not DNS experts.
> Thanks,
> Ben Schwartz
> [1]


G'day.  Ben asked me to respond to the wg mailing list.

First, thanks to Ben for noting the parallel effort on the global 
_underscore registry and for opening a dialogue about it and his draft.

Second, unfortunately I think that draft-schwartz-httpbis-dns-alt-svc 
is, in fact, problematic with respect to its _underscore-related text, 
since it draws from whatever 'scheme' is desired, to be used as the 
global underscored name.

The SRV and URI specs introduce a imilar meta-problem for the 
_underscore registry, by drawing their global underscored DNS node name 
from other tables.  The underscore work in the dnsop wg is splitting the 
topic between a 'clean sheet' specification that defines the registry 
and creates initial entries, but does not try to fix any existing 

A second dnsop draft:

    DNS Attrleaf Changes: Fixing Specifications with _Underscored Node 
Name Use

was just created, to offer text that updates existing documents, which 
specify _underscored DNS node name use.

The dns-alt-svc spec adds yet one more such 'external' table as a source 
of underscored name, lacking coordination with the central registry we 
are defining.

My reading of the dns-alt-svc document status within this working group 
is that there is still time to adjust its text before wg last call and I 
eagerly hope the working group will consider making that modification.

The attrleaf-fix draft contains proposals for language that should be 
used for the meta-specification of SRV and URI underscored node name 
use. I believe the template I've offered for them can be easily adapted 
to your own draft.

The world won't end if you decide not to make the change at this time, 
but gosh it would be nice to get IETF specs to start using the new 



Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

Received on Saturday, 12 May 2018 03:26:05 UTC