Re: draft-asveren-dispatch-http-overload

This is the right working group, for sure.  However, I don't find the
introduction convincing.  Maybe I'm missing something.  How is
Retry-After inadequate?

As for the mechanism described, how does it not expose information
about the server configuration such that DOS could be more precisely
targetted?  What is the scope of the table?  What is the point of
multiple values?

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 3:50 AM, Asveren, Tolga <> wrote:
> I submitted draft-asveren-dispatch-http-overload-control to DISPATCH WG a
> while ago. It aims to specify a generic overload control mechanism for
> HTTP/HTTPS applications.
> I thought it could be a good idea to herald it here as well as some folks
> may not be following DISPATCH WG.
> I would appreciate any feedback about overall idea/need/alternatives/in
> general.
> Thanks,
> Tolga

Received on Monday, 30 April 2018 06:03:01 UTC