Re: New Version Notification for draft-thomson-http-replay-00.txt

On 07/25/2017 02:29 AM, Kazuho Oku wrote:
> 2017-07-25 15:54 GMT+09:00 Kazuho Oku <>:
>> I think that the following model would be safe:
>> * consider 4NN as a signal that indicates the intermediary to wait for
>> 1-RTT confirmation and retry
>> * 1-RTT confirmation can be observed as a logical and of
>> ClientFinished and non-existence of the early-data header
>> I do not see any reason to send 4NN to the initiator of the request
>> (i.e. browser), since the peer that the initiator talks to can always
>> use the ClientFinished as a confirmation. As I said, transmitting 4NN
>> to the initiator can impose additional latency, since contrary to
>> ClientFinished a client cannot (re)send a request until it sees the
>> response.

That seems like it would violate the principle that the actual client
generating the request should have control over whether it is retried.

> To be precise, what I am suggesting here is that the server's action
> for processing a request without replay-torelance can be defined as
> follows:

I assume that by "without replay-torelance [sic]" you mean a request
that has potentially replay-unsafe consequences/side effects, so the
request must only be acted on over non-replayable transport.

> * 0-RTT request with early-data header: send 4NN


> * 0-RTT request with no early-data header: postpone request processing
> until ClientFinished

That seems permissible, but sending 4NN is also fine and requires less
state on the server.

> * 1-RTT request with early-data header: send 4NN


> * 1-RTT request with no early-data header: process the request


> and that it can be deducted from the rule that when receiving a 0-RTT
> request without an early-data header, an intermediary should: forward
> the request to the origin by adding an early-data header, and if the
> origin refuses to process the request by responding with 4NN, it
> should wait (i.e. postpone the processing of the request) for
> ClientFinished and resend the request to the origin server (this time
> without the early-data header).

This part I do not agree with, in particular the intermediary making the
decision to re-send the request without the early-data header.  I
believe that this decision must be left in the hands of the original
client, and do not think the latency concern justifies deviating from that.


Received on Tuesday, 25 July 2017 12:27:30 UTC