Re: SSL/TLS everywhere fail

Am 03.12.2015 um 18:29 schrieb Jacob Appelbaum:
> On 12/3/15, Mike Belshe <> wrote:
>> Absolutely to be expected, but nothing to do with http2.  This was already
>> happening long before http2 or spdy...
> Exactly so - huge surveillance and censorship events are an ongoing problem.
> Go go go http2 and mandatory SSL everywhere.  Next step - eliminate MITM.
> We haven't done that well yet, but its coming.
> TLS, please. :-)
I'm a bit worried about all the closed boxes that I "own" but are really 
controlled by somebody else. Like a TV set reporting what channel I'm 
watching. The reporting is using TLS and is private, but how do I detect 
and prevent such things then? New chains everywhere.


Received on Thursday, 3 December 2015 18:01:16 UTC