Alt-Svc WG Last Call comment

In <>, Lucas Pardue 

> Section 5 foreshadows a discussion about privacy
>     As the Alt-Used header field might be used by the server for tracking the client, a client MAY choose not to include it in its requests for protecting its privacy (see Section 9.4).
> However, Section 9.4 doesn't contain any mention of Alt-Used. Maybe all the information contained in the document is enough but this just struck me as a little odd.

I agree this is odd, and it's a result of our resolution for 
<>, in which we 
realized that tracking though Alt-Used is much less interesting than 
tracking through the host names used for alternative services.

As such, the simplest possible fix is to remove the sentence.

The alternative would be to re-introduce a discussion of the tracking 
risk caused by Alt-Used into Section 9.4.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Saturday, 28 November 2015 17:53:11 UTC