Re: secure HTTPS redirect - encoding a new trust anchor?

>On 12/08/15 21:52, Martin Thomson wrote:
>> Stephen, is your objection about the general nature of the query, or
>> the specific mechanism?
>Yep it's the general nature of the outlined scheme that's alarming.
>I'd not be at all surprised if there are sensible ways to have
>device vendors interact with larger purchasers of sets of those
>devices where such handovers can be managed safely enough.

OK, so let's just focus on the narrower solution now (see my response to

>There may be some discussion of this topic at IETF94 including this
>work being done in ANIMA. Maybe at saag and maybe some other place
>but feel free to ping me if interested.

Yeap, and I'm deep involved with both the ANIMA and NETCONF work on this.


Received on Thursday, 13 August 2015 14:58:39 UTC