Re: Last Call: <draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-16.txt> (Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2) to Proposed Standard

The HTTP/2 proposal describes a protocol that has some significant benefits
over HTTP/1 and considering it's current deployment status, should be
progress to an RFC more or less as is.  However, the IESG should know that
it is a technical compromise that fails to meet some significant aspects of
it's charter.

I and others have discussed in the WG at length about what we see as
technical problems. These issues were given fair and repeated consideration
by the WG (albeit somewhat hurried on a schedule that was not really
apparent why it existed).   The resulting document does represent a very
rough consensus of the active participants, which is to the credit of the
chair who had to deal with a deeply divided WG.   But the IESG should note
that this also means that there are many parts of the protocol that are
border line "can't live with" for many participants.  It is not an exemplar
of technical excellence.

I believe that this is the result of a charter that sets up opposing goals
with little guidance on how to balance them.      Thus the core of my
feedback to this LC is not to iterate past technical discussions, but
rather to draw the IESG attention to the parts of the charter that are not
well met.

The httpbis charter for http2 begins be defining why HTTP/1 should be
replaced (my emphasis):

There is emerging implementation experience and interest in a protocol that
retains the semantics of HTTP without the legacy of HTTP/1.x message
framing and syntax, which have been identified as *hampering performance*
*encouraging misuse* of the underlying transport.
Some examples of the protocol misuse include:

   - breaking the 2 connection limit by clients in order to reduce request
   latency and to maximise throughput via the utilisation of multiple flow
   control windows.
   - use of long polling patterns to establish two way communication
   between client and server.
   - use of the upgrade mechanism to replace the HTTP semantic with
   websocket semantic has been described by some as a misappropriation of
   ports 80/443 for an alternative semantic.

I believe that the emphasis on performance (specifically browser "end-user
perceived latency", which is called out by the charter) has prevented the
draft from significantly addressing the misuse goal of the charter.   This
emphasis on efficiency over other design aspects was well characterised by
the editor's comment:

“*What we’ve actually done here is conflate some of the stream control
functions with the application semantics functions in the interests of
efficiency” *– Martin Thomson 8/May/2014
This conflation of HTTP efficiency concerns into the multiplex framing
layer has caused the draft to fail to meet it's charter in several ways:

*Headers are not multiplexed nor flow controlled.*
Because the WG was chartered to "*Retain the semantics of HTTP/1.1,*" it
was the rough consensus that http/2 must support arbitrarily large
headers.  However, in the interests of supposed efficiency, HTTP header
semantics have been conflated with the framing layer and are treated
specially so that they are not flow controlled and they cannot be
interleaved by other multiplexed streams.

Unconstrained header size can thus result in head of line blocking (if for
example a large header hits TCP/IP flow control), which is a concern that
was explicitly called out by the charter.  Even without TCP/IP flow
control, small headers slowly sent, can hold out other messages from
initiating, progressing and/or completing.

While large headers are infrequently used today, the lack of flow control
and interleaving of headers represents a significant incentive for large
data to be moved from the body to the header.  History has shown that in
the pursuit of performances, protocols will be perverted!  So not only will
this likely increase the occurrence of head of line blocking, it is an
encouragement for to misuse the protocol, which breaks one of the two
primary goals of the charter.

*Websocket semantics are not supported.*
While the WG was chartered to "*coordinate this item with: ... * The HYBI
Working Group, regarding the possible future extension of HTTP/2.0 to carry
WebSockets semantics*", this has not been done to any workable resolution.
The conflation of the framing layer with HTTP means that it cannot operate
independently of HTTP semantics and there is now uncertainty as to how
websocket semantics can be carried over HTTP2.

An initial websocket proposal was based on using the existing DATA frames,
but segmentation features needed by websocket were removed as they were not
needed to support HTTP semantics.

Another websocket proposal is to define new frame types that can carry the
websocket semantic, however this suffers from the issue that intermediaries
may not understand these new frame types, so the websocket semantic will
not be able to penetrate the real world web.  Upgrading intermediaries is a
slow and difficult process that will never complete.

Yet another approach has been proposed and has been mentioned in this
thread as a feature. It is to use replace long polling with pushed streams.
A HTTP2 request/response stream is kept open without any data transfer so
that  PUSH_PROMISE frames can be used to initiate new streams to carry
websocket style messages server to client in pretend HTTP
request/responses.   This proposal has the benefit that by pretending to be
HTTP, websocket style semantic can penetrate a web that does not known
about the websocket semantic.  However, this is also the kind of protocol
abuse that the WG was chartered to avoid.

Instead of simply catering for the websocket semantic, the solution has
been to come up with an even more tricky and convoluted abuse of the HTTP
semantic for two way messaging.

*Priority is client side consideration only*
The entire frame priority mechanism is focused not only on HTTP semantics,
but on client side priorities.  The consideration has only been given to
what resources a client wishes to receive first and little if any
consideration has been given to the servers concerns for maximising
throughput and fairness for all clients.   The priority mechanism does not
have widely working code and is essentially a thought bubble waiting to see
if it will pop or float.

My own server (Jetty) currently plans to entirely ignore the priority
mechanism because it is expressed in a style and at a point that it is
entirely too late for the server to retrieve any substantial resources
already committed to a low client priority resource.  EG.  If the server
has launched an SQL query and is currently converting the data from a
cursor into HTML, it serves no purpose to subsequently tell it that the
client thinks it is a low priority data stream and would prefer other
resources first.  The server has committed thread, buffers, and scarce DB
connections to the request and it's priority is to complete the response
and recover those resources.

*In summary*
The draft as presented does represent a consensus of the WG, but also a
poor technical compromised between conflicting goals set by the charter.
While the performance goal appears to have been well met (at least for the
client side web traffic), the protocol does not remove incentives nor avoid
the need for protocol misuse, which ultimately may then end up compromising
the performance goals.   I would suggest that this is a result of
insufficient clarity in the charter rather than a poorly executed WG

Further, I believe that by creating a proposal that is so specific to the
HTTP semantic we are missing an opportunity to create a multi semantic web,
where all traffic does not need to pretend to be HTTP and that new
semantics could be introduced without needing to redeploy or to trick the
web intermediaries and/or data centre infrastructure.

Unfortunately we are well along the path of deploying http2:  many if not
most browsers have support for it;  server implementations are available
and more are on their way;  several significant websites are already
running the protocol and reporting benefits;  intermediaries can mostly be
bypassed by the forced use of TLS (many say the misuse of TLS) and the
experts are exhausted from continual trench warfare on core technical

I don't think that http2 is a genie that can't easily be put back in the
bottle, nor can it be polished much more than it is, without a change of
charter.   Thus on balance I think it should probably be made an RFC.
Perhaps not in the standard track, but eitherway, we should do so knowing
that it has benefits, compromises, failures and missed opportunities.  We
need to work out how to do better next time.

Greg Wilkins <>  @  Webtide - *an Intalio subsidiary* HTTP, SPDY, Websocket server and client that scales  advice and support for jetty and cometd.

Received on Thursday, 8 January 2015 00:57:31 UTC