Re: HPACK, Dynamic Table Size Update

Michael, Martin, thanks for your answers! I have two more questions if I may.

1. ...This dynamic table size update MUST occur at the beginning of the first
   header block following the change to the dynamic table size. In HTTP/2,
   this follows a settings acknowledgment (see Section 6.5.3 of [HTTP2]).

To me it seems like it _only_ applies to solicited updates. Mostly because this
paragraph mentions "settings acknowledgment" which is (as I understand) absent
when size update is initiated by encoding side. So the question is -- could an
unsolicited update go in the middle of a header block, for example:

    -- header block begin --
    == Literal indexed ==
    == Literal indexed ==
    == Indexed - Add ==
    == Size Update ==
    == Literal indexed ==
    == Literal indexed ==
    -- header block end --


Just curious, what was the rationale behind binding size updates to a specific
location in a header block (for the solicited case)?

2. As I understand a header block cannot consist of only size updates because
"size update" is not a header field representation. So size updates (if any) has
to go with some header fields. Am I right?

-- header block begin --
== Size Update ==
== Size Update ==
== Size Update ==
-- header block end --



Received on Tuesday, 9 June 2015 20:58:08 UTC