Re: draft-thomson-httpbis-catch-00

On 16 December 2014 at 13:31, Kent Watsen <> wrote:
> First off, the RESTCONF draft desperately needs this to be an RFC - any
> chance of that happening soon?

Feel free to make that statement here:

They are currently paying more attention to other things.  If you want
to lend a hand, I'm sure that we can move it faster.  (open issues:

> Secondly, if not using the "Authorization" request header field, how is it
> that the client-certificate is passed into the app biz logic on the HTTP
> server?  It looks like Apache and NGINX have proprietary mechanisms to
> pass the client-cert via the environment and/or headers.  Should this
> draft define something standard, for interop rasons, or is this considered
> an internal app issue?

It varies, a lot.  And I haven't seen any indication that vendors of
those containers want to standardize on an API.  So I don't expect
this to change.

Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2014 21:58:20 UTC