Re: Origin cookies, and First-party cookies.

On 21 November 2014 10:49, Yoav Nir <> wrote:
> We tried to get a “cookie replacement” discussion going at websec. Here’s a
> good summary of the proposals by Trevor Perrin:

The first of these proposals (and token ID) are actually already on
trevor's list.  Origin cookies are an evolution of cake; token ID is
the channel ID evolved.  The first-party concept is interesting and
potentially valuable, assuming the other issues aren't resolved.  The
list also only surveyed work that has been submitted to the IETF; the
macaroon concept is another point of interest in the space.

I have reservations about defining a mechanism that fails open without
any way of learning that this has happened.  Mike and I discussed some
amendments that might work.

Given the narrow locus of effort in this area, I think that a new,
short-lived working group is the best way to deal with this.  Building
something (anything) that helps with this cookie mess would be great.

Received on Saturday, 22 November 2014 00:38:52 UTC