Re: Unified User-Agent String (draft-karcz-uuas)

On 15.11.2014 10:46, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> It would be even better if browsers just started to conform to RFC
> 7231 section 5.5.3. There is no conspired agreement or timing required
> on their part to do so.
> * "MUST NOT generate advertising or other nonessential information
> within the product identifier"
good argument; but be aware of conforming to 

> no dumping comments about OS version, unrelated software installed,
> other browsers installed!, patch levels, etc.
>   "Mozilla/" is conformant but realistically unnecessary these days as
> it can readily be inferred from the browser Product/x.y identifier
> instead.
> * "SHOULD limit generated product identifiers to what is necessary to
> identify the product"
the server MUST NOT rely on the informations it gets from the 
User-Agent; there is no reason to do so ...
a website admin has done ugly bad work, if it does ...

(www.)domain.tld can present its content in a normal standard way 
without knowledge of the User-Agent;

if there is a neccessarity to present the same content in a special way 
for mobile devices *), than this can
be done by just offering another host, e.g.  mobile.domain.tld

on the other hand, when some website means he/she must use the whole 
screen, even with very high resolutions of more
  than 2048x1536; this is a total design failure, because browsing in a 
windows, just using a piece of
the whole screen MUST be possible ...

*) this is most time because of the high fees of using the mobile 
device; so there is nearly no junk-content;
except at some online offerings from some TV broadcasts where mobile 
devices - because of there UA get
higher quality video content than just normal desktop pcs with big 
monitors ...


Received on Saturday, 15 November 2014 12:43:22 UTC