Origin cookies

Just saw this.  It's a laudable goal.  I'd hope that we could move
toward this being a default mode.

I'm concerned that this draft is a little backwards when it comes to
backward compat.  Clients that don't support the restriction will fail
open, spilling the cookie contents all over the place.  Especially so
if the origin attribute is the only attribute and other scope-limiting
attributes are not put in place.

In addition to that failure mode, I don't see any value in having a
signal from the client that a particular cookie is origin-bound.  The
Cookie header should be sufficient for that.

Would it make sense to reverse things: have the Origin-Cookie header
field be the Set-Cookie analogue and then include that data the Cookie
header field of requests

Received on Friday, 24 October 2014 03:29:28 UTC