Extensions and error codes

I had a look at a websocket over http/2 draft yesterday. I noticed it
saying we should return an http 501 upon some setting thing not
working out.


This made me scratch my head, as I implement http/2 framing, settings,
etc than the layer than handles http semantics (eg what a 501 means).
IOTW, I would have expected an extension to enumerate an error I'd
send on goaway, not an http response code.

As an implementor, I would handle code very differently if something
in SETTINGS means I should return a specific HEADERS frame back.

Looking at the spec, it doesn't specify on what types of actions we
might take on a SETTING being unsupported. Should we be?

Apologies, if I missed a thread that discussed this.

Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 06:01:28 UTC