Re:Quick feedback on draft-nottingham-web-proxy-desc-00

Introduction, p3
"Proxies should always respect the wishes of the end user and Web site, and"

These could be in conflict - for example, the Web site does not wish to have its content transformed by a proxy, but the user may be on a poor connection that requires the response to account for that. This also affects section2:

"[RFC7230] Section 5.7.2 requires proxies to honour the semantic of  the "no-transform" cache-control directive, [...], WPD proxies MUST honour these requirements."

..the MUST leaves no room for user choice to override the server decision.

Section 3.6:
  " If the string "CONNECT" appears in alwaysDirect, it indicates that
   requests that require establishment of a tunnel (e.g., for "https"
   URLs) MUST NOT use the WPD's proxies, but instead ought to be made
   directly to the origin (i.e., without a tunnel)."

IIRC CONNECT involves the proxy in the setup of the tunnel, in which case 'MUST NOT use the WPD's proxies' seems misleading. If the intention is that the request is that tunnelled requests are always direct, then maybe 'TUNNELLED' is a more appropriate value.

Overall a very welcome proposal, cheers!

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2014 13:33:32 UTC