#445: Transfer-Codings


After a fair amount of discussion on list, we have a proposal:

I understand that a number of implementers are not planning to do this (just as they don't do Transfer-Encoding: gzip), but there is significant interest from non-browser folks here, and it gets us closer to feature parity with HTTP/1. 

I also don't hear any arguments that it's fundamentally harmful to include -- just that some aren't interested in implementing it for their use case. So, my inclination is to include it in the implementation draft, barring a new argument against it that is convincing.

Note that the concerns in #423 also apply to this (it could be argued even more so than with content-codings), so we'll need to discuss that and come to a resolution there. 


Mark Nottingham   http://www.mnot.net/

Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2014 01:44:40 UTC