Re: #445: Transfer-codings

On 9 April 2014 10:47, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:

> On 4 Apr 2014, at 4:52 pm, Matthew Kerwin <> wrote:
> >> Also, how should a recipient handle a stream that has DATA frames with
> different
> values for encoding?
> >
> > By decoding each as it arrives, the same way it would handle a stream
> with the same encoding every frame. Two gzip'd frames don't add together to
> make one big gzip file.
> One of the useful attributes of HTTP transfer-codings is that
> intermediaries who want to avoid re-compressing a stream's payload can do
> so when both sides support compression, by simply passing it through.
> [snip]
> Isn't it much more likely that intermediaries will actually implement this
> if they can do that form of pass-through?
That assumes the HTTP/1.1 side is doing T-E, and I'm not sure how common
that currently is. Judging by discussions in on the list, I'd imagine "not
very." Perhaps someone with better traffic visibility could give us some

  Matthew Kerwin

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2014 02:26:51 UTC