Alt-Svc with UPGRADE


The Alt-Svc response header can appear in the response of an UPGRADE
I am wondering whether the alt-svc suggestion will be applied to the
original service or to the upgraded service.
What is in my mind is suggesting the WebSocket over HTTP/2 to a native
WebSocket UPGRADE request. When the server supports the WebSocket over
HTTP/2 and the client requests a native WebSocket connection with an
UPGRADE on HTTP/1.1, the server might want to suggest the WebSocket over
HTTP/2 with the Alt-Svc response header.

It would be great if the Alt-Svc response header is applied to the upgraded
service (in this example, WebSocket, not HTTP).
I think UPGRADE users not only WebSocket will be happy with that rule.


Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2014 08:24:56 UTC