Re: Mandatory encryption *is* theater

Le Dim 25 août 2013 22:18, Roberto Peon a écrit :
> We've seen that the network delays bytes on some ports because (we assume)
> of inspecting proxies, even when the data is incomprehensible to the
> proxy.
> If the bytes are merely signed then the bytes are visible and modification
> is still performed-- the modification becomes time-domain, e.g.
> dropping/delaying packets, etc.
> In any case, if you're doing the work of signing, why not just encrypt?

Because when the stream is not security-sensitive, it's the difference
between intermediaries wasting resources trying to determine if the
download if safe vie indirect means or passing it up directly

Nicolas Mailhot

Received on Monday, 26 August 2013 09:03:02 UTC