Re: Implicit close of idle streams

On 14 August 2013 16:15, Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <> wrote:
> I'm non-native English readers and if you ask me it is confusing then I'll
> answers yes.
> My understanding is that that explains the monotonically increasing stream
> identifier scheme
> in formal way. I think it would be less confusing to convey that notion.

I'm having trouble with this confusion because every time I read the
section in its entirety, it's perfectly clear to me.  Even after doing
what I can do compensate for the usual I-wrote-this blindness.

I'll add an example, which I hope clarifies this, but in the absence
of specific suggestion, I don't know how I can address these comments.

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2013 16:51:56 UTC