Re: #468 p2: Expectation extensions

On 2013-08-10 10:40, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> I spent a few days trying to wrangle the issues around the
> Expect header field in p2 (#466, #467, #458, #468) and have
> run into a brick wall.  I think we should reopen #468,
> remove everything except 100-continue, and then specify the
> 100-continue mechanism as it is implemented in practice.
> I tried to rewrite the section so that the existing text
> would make sense as a must-understand-or-fail feature for
> HTTP/1.1.  I was able to do that, based on the fantasy that
> HTTP/1.1 servers had at least deployed that much.  Apparently,
> I had already forgotten the testing I did two years ago, and
> nothing has changed since then.
> In short, Apache httpd is the only server that I could find
> which sent 417 Expectation Failed in response to an expectation
> extension.  Apache does not actually parse the syntax -- it
> simply rejects anything that isn't 100-continue.  There exists
> a patched version of nginx that does the same, but only for
> file upload requests that are about to succeed.  IIS does not
> appear to support Expect at all, though it may for some resources
> that I could not find.
> Then, I stopped writing, since there is no point in
> specifying a must-understand feature that still hasn't been
> implemented consistently 16 years after it was originally defined.
> ...

Is there a bug report about nginx not implementing it? If there is it 
would be interesting to understand why it wasn't fixed.

Same for IIS?

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 12 August 2013 12:47:17 UTC