Re: PUSH Clarifications

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Robert Collins <> wrote:
> Exactly! consider conditional gets: if the UA sends a GET I-M-S or a
> GET I-N-M then the server can infer likely cached resources and PUSH a
> HEAD->304for those resources the client probably has, and a GET->200
> for those that are definitely new.

Or the server simply chooses not to push the resources that haven't
been modified. If the user-agent has them, it uses them, if it
doesn't, it requests them again.

Also, remember that the push is a server implied request.. that is,
the server can assume that a GET request will be coming in so it
crafts a set of request headers followed by the response. The
following, then, would be identical to your suggestion:

  Promised Stream ID: 2
  :method = GET
  :path = /images/f.jpg
  :if-modified-since: 2013-01-01T12:12:12Z

  Stream ID: 2
  :status = 304
  last-modified: 2013-01-01T12:12:12Z

This would still lead to the cache metadata being updated while
holding to the suggested Implied GET rule.

> So I think originating GET leading to PUSH of GET and HEAD makes a lot of sense.
> -Rob

Received on Monday, 5 August 2013 21:49:02 UTC