Re: Issue # 164: HTTP Method Case

On 3 July 2013 10:43, James M Snell <> wrote:
> Need to clarify whether or not HTTP methods in 2.0
> are case sensitive or not.

HTTP/2.0 is actually silent on the issue.  And I believe that it can remain so.

HTTP/2.0 makes header field names lowercase (and mandates that), which
is fine because that has a performance and compression advantage.  A
similar argument could be made for any header field value, :method not
being particularly special in this regard.

In this specific case, if we were to mandate a particular case, I'd
advocate uppercase.  I believe that some code breaks if it receives a
'get' instead of a 'GET', so uppercase would have to be the choice.

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2013 18:19:15 UTC