Re: Issue re. HTTP2 STREAM and HEADER block use same end bit polarity

On 18 June 2013 11:39, Jeff Pinner <> wrote:
> A suggestion for the HEADERS frame flags that incorporates "FINAL",
> "MSG_DONE", and changes the polarity of "CONTINUES:"
> 0x1: END_STREAM - indicates that this frame is the last the endpoint will
> send on the identified stream.
> 0x2: END_MESSAGE - indicates that this frame comprises a message boundary.
> 0x4: END_HEADERS - indicates that this frame marks the end of the encoded
> header block.

I like this generally, however I'm struggling with the distinction

I can appreciate the logical purity of the argument for a distinction,
but I can't see a practical benefit to it.  END_HEADERS implies
concatenation, but END_MESSAGE just ...ends?  I'm not sure then what
you do with a sequence of frames that form a message, if you aren't
concatenating them. Websockets APIs concatenate.

If this is about the hard lock-out that we have when HEADERS are
continued, that doesn't need a special signal, just some text.

Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 18:54:24 UTC