Re: Design Issue: GZIP flag on DATA Frames

* Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>In message <>, Roland Zink writes:
>>This seem to make the introduction of new compression schemes more complex.
>And what is the plausibility that any new compression schemes will ever
>make that worth-while ?
>It's not nill, but it makes a convincing impression of nill.

There are many existing compression schemes that considerably outperform
Deflate in the compression ratio, some even at comparable consumption in
resources needed for decompression and, less so, compression. Especially
for something like "large JavaScript library" that you would compress
only once, something like is quite near
a point where I would expect people to call for adoption of a new scheme
(with a filter optimized for such content > 10% better compression seems
very plausible to me). If the protocol cannot support adoption of a new
scheme, there would be pressure to move compression onto a lower level,
think "application/compressed-javascript", and I would rather avoid go-
ing there. My was able to strip se-
veral kilobytes off the Google homepage, that already seemed quite worth
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Received on Tuesday, 21 May 2013 20:46:10 UTC