#409: is parsing OBS-FOLD mandatory?


p1 2.5 Conformance and Error Handling says "...recipient MUST be able to parse any value that would match the ABNF rules..." yet 3.2.2 only make parsing obs-fold a SHOULD. Which is it?

Roy made a proposed edit to remove the MUST NOT generate and change the SHOULD parse to a MUST parse.

However, this has the effect of un-deprecating line folding; IIRC we added those requirements because folding is not interoperable. 

My suggestion would be to change:

If a received protocol element is processed, the recipient must be able to parse any value that would match the ABNF rules for that protocol element, excluding only those rules not applicable to the recipient's role.


If a received protocol element is processed, the recipient MUST be able to parse any value that would match the ABNF rules for that protocol element, excluding only those rules not applicable to the recipient's role, and those rules whose names begin with "obs-" (e.g., obs-fold).

Note that we already say, in 1.2 Syntax Notation:

As a convention, ABNF rule names prefixed with "obs-" denote "obsolete" grammar rules that appear for historical reasons.


Mark Nottingham   http://www.mnot.net/

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 03:49:23 UTC