Re: Some general SPDY feedback / questions


Le 7 août 2012 à 09:05, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen a écrit :
> A mechanism like the 100-continue is critical for supporting requests containing entity data that results in authentication needed, redirect, or other "intermediate "responses in an efficient and robust manner.

That's the spec
On the browser side, in Opera we had issues with some Web sites such as Instapaper and easyjet. Opera was sending 

Opera sends 
Expect: 100-continue

The server replies with 
100 continue

and then drop the connections for no reasons after a 200 OK before reaching the end of the Content-Length.

I don't remember if Opera decided to remove the support for it as it was creating troubles. I could check.

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations, Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2012 21:47:05 UTC