Re: Benjamin Carlyle http 2.0 expression of interest

Hello Benjamin,

2012/7/22 Benjamin Carlyle <>:
> #3 Out of order responses and heartbeat capability
> Modifying http to be able to make efficient use of a single TCP connection
> is I think a priority for many members of this list, and is something that
> SPDY has been specifically developed to address. I would like to expand on
> this with the specific notion of heartbeats to be able to reliably answer
> the question: Is my connection alive or dead? If the connection is dead the
> client will want to know as quickly as possible so that it can connect to a
> redundant instance of the server.
> In my use cases I often want positive confirmation that my connection is
> still valid approximately every four seconds, plus assurances from
> intermediates that they are also seeing heartbeats. For long poll use cases
> this can be taken care of by requesting a short timeout in requests and for
> long database transactions a slow response can be replaced by an
> asynchronous interaction, but it would be helpful to have the server send
> regular updates on the processing status for a given request. A regular high
> priority OPTIONS * request may suffice to solve this problem.

In SPDY, I guess you can use a Ping Frame to do this, and also calculate RTT.

The SPDY guys surely will correct me if I'm wrong.

Marcelo F. Fernández
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lic. en Sistemas de Información

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Twitter: @fidelfernandez

Received on Sunday, 22 July 2012 12:51:59 UTC