Re: Some general SPDY feedback / questions

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Roberto Peon <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 1:35 PM, James M Snell <> wrote:
>> Just need a few clarifications as I've been going through the spec...
>> some of these are probably obvious but I wanted to get the "official"
>> answer...
>> 1. Section 3.2 HTTP Request/Response is fairly under-defined.
>>    For example...
>>    - are all request headers REQUIRED to be contained within the
>> SYN_STREAM or can some be pushed off to additional HEADERS frames? Likewise
>> with SYN_REPLY frames.
> It depends.
> For server push, split headers (i.e. some in SYN_REPLY, some in a HEADERS
> frame) are expected.
> For normal requests, this isn't the case.
> One of the solutions that was discussed was to have a flag in any of the
> header blocks on these frames which indicated that we'd entered a different
> phase of metadata processing, e.g. once for the request or reply, then
> another for trailers/chunk extension equivalent.
> Here is the most recent discussion on the matter:
> The changes mentioned here didn't get folded into the spec, but probably
> should have.
> The spec could and should be much clearer on this, and the protocol should
> be changed to make it very obvious. :/

Yes, it definitely needs to be clearer. This is one of the areas where some
of the general concepts in the network-friendly-upgrade draft could come in
handy. It would be helpful to identify a primary set of headers that MUST
always appear within the SYN_STREAM or SYN_REPLY, but allow additional
headers to be specified in follow on HEADER frames, and only allow
duplicates in very specific cases.

SYN_REPLY(id=1, :status=100, :version=2.0)
HEADERS(id=1, :status=201, :version=2.0)

Another example... I've been exploring the theoretical possibility of using
spdy framing to provide an alternative to multipart/* packaging... imagine
the following response...

  Content-Type: text/plain,
  Content-Length: 5)
DATA (id=1, "abcde")
  Content-Integrity: 9b9af6945c95f1aa302a61acf75c9bd6,
  Content-Type: text/plain,
  Content-Length: 5)
DATA (id=1, "fghij")
   flags: fin,
   Content-Integrity: d2d048a734af96bf0b7b1b24a431814a)

Yes, this is a change to existing HTTP semantics, but this kind of
optimization is definitely interesting... and not entirely insane.

>>    - is it possible to interleave HEADERS and DATA frames within a
>> request or response Stream? (I noticed discussion of this with regards to
>> server-push, but did not see any discussion of it with regards to regular
>> http methods)
> It is.
>>    - Since SPDY effectively eliminates Transfer-Encodings, are Trailers
>> still allowed? That is, for example, what if I wanted to send a HEADERS
>> frame containing a Content-Integrity header following a set of DATA frames?
> We keep going round and round on that. It isn't well spec'd because no-one
> who implements spdy client-side has yet had an implementation that would
> use them.
> Theoretically, you'd just use a header frame at the end.

Yes, that's it exactly. They should be allowed, period.

>>   (Personal Opinion: it should be possible to interleave HEADERS anywhere
>> into the stream. With a few specific exceptions, It should also be possible
>> to override a given headers value by sending another instance of the header
>> along later in the same stream. Doing so raises the possibility of more
>> efficient multipart encodings, incremental data-integrity checks, etc)
>> 2. Just for the sake of clarity, what is the expected behavior if a
>> user-agent interleaves multiple modification requests to the same resource?
>> For instance:
>>    => SYN_STREAM(id=1,:method=PUT,:path=/my/resource)
>>    => SYN_STREAM(id=2,:method=DELETE,:path=/my/resource)
>>    => SYN_STREAM(id=3,:method=POST, :path=/my/resource)
>>    While this may appear on the surface to be a silly question, it speaks
>> to a fundamental issue of allowing unsafe/non-idempotent methods to be
>> multiplexed, particularly if the processing order for requests interleaved
>> on a single connection is indeterminate. From
>> draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-20
> The spec doesn't define the behavior, as you've noted. The expectation is
> that HTTP semantics w.r.t. non-idempotent methods will be preserved for
> HTTP streams.
> This is not optimal in a number of ways. Personally, I'd love to leave it
> up to the application and provide more rich signaling as to when requests
> were sent, response headers received, etc.

I'm fine with this for now but it needs to be stated explicitly in the
spec. Basically, a client SHOULD NOT multiplex non-idempotent requests.

>>      Clients SHOULD NOT pipeline requests using non-idempotent request
>>      methods or non-idempotent sequences of request methods (see Section
>>      2.1.2 of [Part2]).  Otherwise, a premature termination of the
>>      transport connection could lead to indeterminate results.  A client
>>      wishing to send a non-idempotent request SHOULD wait to send that
>>      request until it has received the response status line for the
>>      previous request.
>> 3. How are Informational 1xx Status Codes handled? The current SPDY draft
>> does not appear to support "provisional responses".
> Here is the most recent discussion on the matter (same one as before):
>> 4. Note that the Upgrade header as currently defined within HTTP/1.1 will
>> need to be revisited. In fact, as currently defined, Upgrade is
>> incompatible with SPDY.
>> 5. There's a fairly obvious security DoS concern about allowing a user
>> agent to multiplex multiple ranged GETs over a single connection. See
>> draft-ietf-httpbis-p5-range-20 Section 7.1 on "Overlapping Ranges".
>> 6. It's good that Section 5.4 deals with cache control validation with
>> server push but the requirement needs to be made stronger. If the
>> originating stream utilizes any content negotiation mechanisms at all, and
>> those mechanisms impact the selection of resources that are pushed to the
>> client, the *server* MUST include an appropriate Vary header with the
>> pushed content. Right now, the spec states only that "browsers MUST be
>> careful to inherit request headers" ... but that leaves out any possible
>> intermediary caches along the way, which can obviously cause major problems.
> Sure, are you up for changing it to how you'd like it to read?
> The most current version of the spec is hosted on Github here (and we make
> changes to it there):

I'll see if I can draft up some language.

>> 7. What methods can trigger a server push? For instance, if I send a POST
>> request, is it possible for the server to respond with a push? For example,
>> I send a POST to a server to modify an image. In response to the POST, the
>> server returns a 200 OK with a page describing the changes and pushes the
>> modified image resource in a separate stream. Or are pushes only triggered
>> by GET requests? What are the conditions in which a push would be
>> considered inappropriate?
> Any request could trigger a push. The server cannot do a push until there
> is a request, and all pushed resources are associated with one request,
> though the responses could be used by multiple pages/page views.
> -=R


Thanks for the responses... i'm sure I'll have lots more questions soon :-)

- James

>> - James

Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 21:58:40 UTC