Re: [ietf-http-wg] <none>

Le Mer 18 juillet 2012 17:06, Tim Bray a écrit :

> Clearly, for people who are in the intermediaries business, users are
> not their customers

This is false. I'm operating an intermediary and I have more
accountability wrt my users than most of the web sites they visit.

> and their priorities may not be well-aligned with
> those of the users.  This is not surprising and not unreasonable.

This is blatant misinformation and propaganda.

> But
> I do object to claims that a pro-intermediary position is actually
> pro-user, that people really don’t want/need privacy.

Things are not black and white like everywhere else and my users expect me
to perform services for them I could not do if theirs communications were
100% opaque to me.

> I’m glad that at least some voices here are pro-user.

They claim to be pro users. That does not mean they are.

Nicolas Mailhot

Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 15:26:35 UTC