Adjusting our spec names

Our current products are named:

HTTP/1.1, part 1: URIs, Connections, and Message Parsing
HTTP/1.1, part 2: Message Semantics
HTTP/1.1, part 3: Message Payload and Content Negotiation
HTTP/1.1, part 4: Conditional Requests
HTTP/1.1, part 5: Range Requests and Partial Responses
HTTP/1.1, part 6: Caching
HTTP/1.1, part 7: Authentication

Note that many of the latter mechanisms are NOT specific to HTTP/1.1; i.e., they will work in an HTTP/1.0 message, and also (according to our charter) must work in a HTTP/2.0 message.

Therefore, I'm inclined to rename them, leading to something like:

HTTP/1.1 Message Format and Connections
HTTP Core Semantics  (combined p2 and p3, which the editors are currently undertaking)
HTTP Conditional Requests
HTTP Range Requests and Partial Responses
HTTP Caching
HTTP Authentication Framework

Thoughts? This doesn't (yet) account for the discussed p0.

Mark Nottingham

Received on Saturday, 31 March 2012 10:12:07 UTC