Re: fyi: An Experimental Study of Web Transport Protocols in Cellular Networks

that's very interesting.
There's another very interesting study done by Google into TCP fast 
open (SYN + data).
It also havs very interesting stats on latency in the real world.
Seems to me we should be pushing harder to get that working, it's 
basically a "free" RTT.

------ Original Message ------
From: "gabriel montenegro" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: 29/03/2012 10:27:48 p.m.
Subject: fyi: An Experimental Study of Web Transport Protocols in 
Cellular Networks
>Hi folks,
>Just heard of this study which is very relevant to the HTTP 2.0 discussions:
>Binoy Chemmagate (Aalto University, Finland)
>An Experimental Study of Web Transport Protocols in Cellular Networks
>M.S. Thesis, October 2010 - September 2011

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2012 10:17:54 UTC