Re: WGLC issue: "Realms and scope" in p7

Now <>.

On 16/03/2012, at 2:39 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:

> There's an implicit acknowledgement that one resource does not know
> about another (from p3):
>   A cache cannot assume that a representation with a Content-Location
>   different from the URI used to retrieve it can be used to respond to
>   later requests on that Content-Location URI.
> However, the mechanism we use (and rely upon for performance) from p7
> makes no concessions on that point.  A server that operates separate
> fiefdoms by allocating different portions of path-space cannot prevent
> one vassal state from learning the secrets of any other that uses
> these authentication mechanisms we so love to hate.
> For instance, if "/kind/and/naive" is authenticated in the realm
> "puppies", then "/kinda/shifty" can harvest their authentication
> information if a logged in user agent navigates there. See "log out"
> discussion for exacerbating stuff.  User agents don't know (or care)
> for this distinction.
> Of course, this is all pretty obvious, but is this worth acknowledging
> in Section 6?

Mark Nottingham

Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 23:55:36 UTC