Re: Review:

Please, if you have an opinion, state it once and be satisfied that it
has been heard and archived in the usual place.  It does not need to be
repeated over and over again.

If you have a better design solution, then propose it as a separate draft.
There's nothing I'd like better than a number of open proposals and a
bake-off to see which one is better (or which ones are better, if that
depends on context or traffic styles).

For example, waka is a tokenized protocol for the exact reasons that you
describe, and it is specifically designed to speed intermediate processing.
Unfortunately, having no end of potential syntaxes to choose from means
I keep changing my mind as to which one to choose.  So I have nothing
to show for it, aside from a ten year old presentation and a lot of
burned out neurons.  I should have written a draft instead.  Maybe that
will happen after HTTPbis is complete.  Maybe I'll go sane instead.

It takes a lot of time to put together a decent Internet Draft, but it
can clarify your thoughts and expose some incomplete considerations.
I encourage anyone who is interested in doing so to give it a try.
I can't guarantee that anyone will like your ideas, but it is more
effective than arguing design decisions without an alternative at hand.


Roy T. Fielding                     <>
Principal Scientist, Adobe Systems  <>

Received on Wednesday, 29 February 2012 07:46:19 UTC