#340: CR CR LF

My .02 - I'm +1 on everything except the last sentence; read literally, it prohibits a CR not followed by a LF *anywhere* in the message, and even if that's fixed, it's too prohibitive (the ABNF already requires CRLF). 

That makes it:

>    Likewise, although the line terminator for the start-line and header
>    fields is the sequence CRLF, we recommend that recipients recognize a
>    single LF as a line terminator and ignore the preceding CR, if present.

BTW, I think we're getting to wordsmithing here, does anyone disagree with the general sentiment?


On 07/02/2012, at 2:18 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:

>> 3.5. Message Parsing Robustness
>>> Likewise, although the line terminator for the start-line and header
>>> fields is the sequence CRLF, we recommend that recipients recognize a
>>> single LF as a line terminator and ignore any CR.
>> Does this mean that CR CR CR CR CR CR LF should be interpreted as a single
>> LF ? It kinds of scares me on the risk of smuggling attacks. I'd rather
>> suggest :
>>   ... we recommend that recipients recognize a single LF as a line
>>   terminator and ignore the optional preceeding CR. Messages containing
>>   a CR not followed by an LF MUST be rejected.
> I've created <http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/httpbis/trac/ticket/340>.

Mark Nottingham   http://www.mnot.net/

Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2012 04:26:26 UTC