Re: Possible issue: Accept-language priority based on language order

On 2011-11-25 00:15, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> Thanks for the datasets, Amos!
> Quick analysis of the 1742 different Accept-Language header:
> 156 multiple languages, none with q values
> 247 single language with no q value
> 43 all languages with q value
> 1255 all languages but one with q value
> 41 multiple languages without q value, some with q value
> I didn't check whether the values were always sorted; there were some
> like this one:
> th-th,th;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.6,en-gb;q=0.4,en;q=0.2,x-ns1rW_REX3VNhu,x-ns2p1c0Nnym7b6
> where it certainly looks as if the accept-language header was used to
> communicate something that isn't a standard language, but strictly
> speaking, those rightmost values sort before #2 from the left, because
> the default q value is 1.0.
> So there are 197 examples of headers whose interpretation according to
> the standard might be affected by the proposed interpretation (or
> integration of information from another specification).
> ...

The data set that we're looking out has only one entry per unique 
charset/UA value. This makes it impossible to understand how frequent 
these combinations actually appear. For instance, out of the 45000 
records I see roughly ~100 for Firefox 7 and Firefox 8 combined.

Maybe the dataset could be regenerated with information about the 
frequency of each of these combinations?

Best regards, Julian

Received on Saturday, 26 November 2011 14:42:58 UTC