Question on new PUT section
modified section 7.6.p.5 to say:

 "For example, if the target resource is configured to always
 have a Content-Type of "text/html" and the representation being
 PUT has a Content-Type of "image/jpeg", then the origin server
 SHOULD do one of: (a) reconfigure the target resource to
 reflect the new media type; (b) transform the PUT representation
 to a format consistent with that of the resource before saving
 it as the new resource state; or, (c) reject the request with a
 409 response indicating that the target resource is limited to
 "text/html", perhaps including a link to a different resource
 that would be a suitable target for the new representation.

Roy, can you explain why 409 is a better choice than 415 in case (c)?

Robert Brewer

Received on Friday, 11 March 2011 19:00:00 UTC