Re: progress on Issue 137


On 17 Feb 2011, at 16:27, Julian Reschke wrote:
> So, to resolve issue 137, I did the following changes in <>:
> - Made the ABNFs for Status-Code and Reason-Phrase identical to P1; note that their consistency is checked when we build the spec. It could be argued that those ABNF rules should only occur once; feedback appreciated.

Given that the ABNF you are referring to is pretty basic/simple and unlikely to change I don't see an issue with repeating it, it's not likely that the ABNF in P2 is likely to get out of step with the 'authoritative' ABNF in P1.

> - Consequently, as the enumeration of status-codes isn't in the ABNF anymore, I moved it into a non-normative "Overview" table. One could argue that it's not needed; but it's probably useful to easier find status code definitions, now that they are spread across multiple documents.

I think it is not harmful and may be useful so the table seems an OK idea to me.

> - Also, I removed some redundancy from the prose.
> The new intro to Section 4, with the new subsection 4.1 now reads...:
> -- snip --
> 4.  Status Code and Reason Phrase
>   The Status-Code element is a 3-digit integer result code of the
>   attempt to understand and satisfy the request.
>   The Reason-Phrase is intended to give a short textual description of
>   the Status-Code and is intended for the human user.  The client is
>   not required to examine or display the Reason-Phrase.

Maybe use "a human user"?

>     Status-Code    = 3DIGIT
>     Reason-Phrase  = *( WSP / VCHAR / obs-text )
>   HTTP status codes are extensible.  HTTP applications are not required
>   to understand the meaning of all registered status codes, though such
>   understanding is obviously desirable.  However, applications MUST
>   understand the class of any status code, as indicated by the first
>   digit, and treat any unrecognized response as being equivalent to the
>   x00 status code of that class, with the exception that an
>   unrecognized response MUST NOT be cached.  For example, if an
>   unrecognized status code of 431 is received by the client, it can
>   safely assume that there was something wrong with its request and
>   treat the response as if it had received a 400 status code.  In such
>   cases, user agents SHOULD present to the user the representation
>   enclosed with the response, since that representation is likely to
>   include human-readable information which will explain the unusual
>   status.
> 4.1.  Overview of Status Codes
>   The status codes listed below are defined in Section 8, Section 3 of
>   [Part4], Section 3 of [Part5], and Section 3 of [Part7].  The reason
>   phrases listed here are only recommendations -- they can be replaced
>   by local equivalents without affecting the protocol.

I had to think about this a little to parse it, because I didn't know if "Section 8" was referring to P2 or P4. Maybe it should say "Section 8 of this document, Section 3 of [Part4]..." to make it a little easier to parse (for me at least).


>   +-------------+------------------------------+----------------------+
>   | Status-Code | Reason-Phrase                | Defined in...        |
>   +-------------+------------------------------+----------------------+
>   | 100         | Continue                     | Section 8.1.1        |
>   | 101         | Switching Protocols          | Section 8.1.2        |
>   | 200         | OK                           | Section 8.2.1        |
>   | 201         | Created                      | Section 8.2.2        |
>   | 202         | Accepted                     | Section 8.2.3        |
>   | 203         | Non-Authoritative            | Section 8.2.4        |
>   |             | Information                  |                      |
>   | 204         | No Content                   | Section 8.2.5        |
>   | 205         | Reset Content                | Section 8.2.6        |
>   | 206         | Partial Content              | Section 3.1 of       |
>   |             |                              | [Part5]              |
>   | 300         | Multiple Choices             | Section 8.3.1        |
>   | 301         | Moved Permanently            | Section 8.3.2        |
>   | 302         | Found                        | Section 8.3.3        |
>   | 303         | See Other                    | Section 8.3.4        |
>   | 304         | Not Modified                 | Section 3.1 of       |
>   |             |                              | [Part4]              |
>   | 305         | Use Proxy                    | Section 8.3.6        |
>   | 307         | Temporary Redirect           | Section 8.3.8        |
>   | 400         | Bad Request                  | Section 8.4.1        |
>   | 401         | Unauthorized                 | Section 3.1 of       |
>   |             |                              | [Part7]              |
>   | 402         | Payment Required             | Section 8.4.3        |
>   | 403         | Forbidden                    | Section 8.4.4        |
>   | 404         | Not Found                    | Section 8.4.5        |
>   | 405         | Method Not Allowed           | Section 8.4.6        |
>   | 406         | Not Acceptable               | Section 8.4.7        |
>   | 407         | Proxy Authentication         | Section 3.2 of       |
>   |             | Required                     | [Part7]              |
>   | 408         | Request Time-out             | Section 8.4.9        |
>   | 409         | Conflict                     | Section 8.4.10       |
>   | 410         | Gone                         | Section 8.4.11       |
>   | 411         | Length Required              | Section 8.4.12       |
>   | 412         | Precondition Failed          | Section 3.2 of       |
>   |             |                              | [Part4]              |
>   | 413         | Request Entity Too Large     | Section 8.4.14       |
>   | 414         | URI Too Long                 | Section 8.4.15       |
>   | 415         | Unsupported Media Type       | Section 8.4.16       |
>   | 416         | Requested range not          | Section 3.2 of       |
>   |             | satisfiable                  | [Part5]              |
>   | 417         | Expectation Failed           | Section 8.4.18       |
>   | 426         | Upgrade Required             | Section 8.4.19       |
>   | 500         | Internal Server Error        | Section 8.5.1        |
>   | 501         | Not Implemented              | Section 8.5.2        |
>   | 502         | Bad Gateway                  | Section 8.5.3        |
>   | 503         | Service Unavailable          | Section 8.5.4        |
>   | 504         | Gateway Time-out             | Section 8.5.5        |
>   | 505         | HTTP Version not supported   | Section 8.5.6        |
>   +-------------+------------------------------+----------------------+
>   Note that this list is not exhaustive -- it does not include
>   extension status codes defined in other specifications.
> -- snip --
> Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2011 13:21:29 UTC