Clarification on use of Content-Location requested


Just looking for a quick clarification on valid usage of 
Content-Location w/ 200 OK in response to a GET, is the following valid 


current latest draft of the spec on 2011-01-04, multiple representations

current latest draft of the spec on 2011-01-04, html representation

current latest draft of the spec on 2011-01-04, txt representation

latest working draft of the spec

If a client makes a GET request on /spec/latest with an Accept header 
indicating they want a text/html variant, then can the server respond 
with 200 OK and a Content-Location of /spec/2011-01-04.html?

Or must it 302/307 to /spec/2011-01-04 first?

And as an addition question, if this is fine (200 OK w/ Content 
Location), which is the preferred approach / best for the network?



Received on Friday, 7 January 2011 10:01:44 UTC