Re: [#95] Multiple Content-Lengths

On 12.10.2010 18:13, Adam Barth wrote:
>>> I would say:
>>> "...If this is a response message received by a user-agent, it MUST
>>> be treated as error."
>>> (or at the SHOULD-level if you're scared of MUST-level requirements).
>> Well, "MUST be treated as error" isn't really helpful; it doesn't require
>> any observable behavior.
>> That a response message like this *is* broken is a statement of fact; the
>> question is whether we want to require any specific handling. So, for
>> instance, do we want to forbid any of the behaviors we see today? (use the
>> first value/use the second value/use until end of connection)?
> I see.  I meant that the user agent MUST close the socket and ignore
> the response, or whatever the HTTP spec idiom is for instructing the
> user agent to treat this response as a fatal error.

Yes. As a matter of fact, my proposal wasn't better in that aspect :-)


"If this is a response message received by a user-agent, it SHOULD be 
treated as in error by ignoring the message and closing the connection."

Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 16:22:20 UTC