Re: Proposed RFC 2617 erratum, Re: Backwards definition of authentication header

Julian Reschke wrote:
> ...
> So, let's restart. What's broken in RFC 2617 is:
>   credentials = auth-scheme #auth-param
> because that ABNF does not allow basic credentials.
> This one used to be in RFC 2068:
>   credentials    = basic-credentials
>                  | auth-scheme #auth-param
> which special cases "Basic", but does so incorrectly (because 
> basic-credentials doesn't contain the scheme name).
> A fix for that (and *only* for that) would be:
>   credentials = "Basic" basic-credentials
>               | auth-scheme #auth-param
> ...

So, last call: should I report this erratum? (I don't think I can update 
the bad one I already sent...)

Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2009 12:32:40 UTC