Re: Last Call: draft-nottingham-http-link-header (Web Linking) to Proposed Standard

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 11:30:18PM -0700, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
> As for 'up', its definition is too ambiguous to support these combinations. It
> is currently registered as: "A URI that refers to a parent document in a
> hierarchy of documents."

This is arguably a good thing.

> I can't figure out if 'a parent' can be any parent of a direct parent. If it
> means a direct parent, your theory of 'automatically works' breaks because UAs
> will expect the document to be the direct parent, not just a document
> somewhere 'up' there. If it means any parent, then you can't express a direct
> parent, but can express a second direct parent.

For what it's worth, my thoughts were that this would represent a resource that
was a direct parent of the resource. And by direct parent, I mean a parent that
must necessarily be passed through if traversing the hierarchy. For the purpose
of this discussion, however, I'm not sure my original intentions matter.

> If you don't want to register multiple 'up-n' relations, consider defining the
> relation type with an optional extension, such as:
> Link: <>; rel="up"; level="2"

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that most hierarchical relationships
that people will want to express will be such that the level can be inferred
directly from the URI. More over, I fail to understand what kind of UA interface
would need or want this kind of detail.

> And it would be better if the 'up' registration entry was more clear
> indicating it can indicate *any* parent, not just a direct parent. This way, a
> client always understand what the relation means, but can also support finer
> details with an extension.

I worded it to match the existing relations, which I think are suitably vague.

We're talking about reasonably loose document relations, where UAs should be
free to present this information in similarly loose ways. For most cases I can
imagine, simply listing the "up" relations in the order that they appear in the
document source should be enough. But this is up to them.


Noah Slater,

Received on Monday, 31 August 2009 06:51:22 UTC