Re: Link: grandfathered format-specific registered relations

On 22/08/2009, at 12:06 PM, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

> On Aug 21, 2009, at 6:46 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:
>> So what does 'edit-media' mean when it's used with a non-Atom  
>> relation?
> You mean "when it's used within a non-Atom format document, right?

Actually, I meant when it points to a non-Atom formatted document, but  
yes, the context may have some bearing on it as well... (there are  
likely some interesting questions buried in that distinction, which  
I'll ignore for the moment).

> It means the same thing it does within an Atom format document.
> Whether or not that meaning is useful is presumably decided by the
> person who stuck it there.

Right. The problem I see is that "means the same thing" is fine in  
theory, but in practicality, people aren't going to know what a  
service relation for an HTML document is (for example).

In the end, I don't suppose it matters; because these relations have  
doubtful utility for other applications, they're likely to be ignored  
outside of those realms.

I'd thought it would be nice to advise the unwary that their semantics  
are somewhat cloudy outside of their intended application domains.  
However, it doesn't look like anyone else supports doing this.


Mark Nottingham

Received on Monday, 24 August 2009 01:29:41 UTC