Re: iPhone streaming Internet-Draft posted

On Sun, 2 Aug 2009, David Singer wrote:

>> In fact, I think the proposal would benefit from loosening its fixation to 
>> HTTP.
> Hm.  I don't know how to do that while still making it clear that the only 
> transport the client is required to be able to parse and use is HTTP.  Do 
> you?

First, it also mentions HTTPS so that makes it two different protocols URI 
wise at least.

The protocol _could_ say something like HTTP and HTTPS MUST be supported by 
the client, but that it MAY support other protocols. That would at least not 
close the door for other protocols to get used at some point without them 
violating the spec.

But really, I'm mostly speaking with my HTTP hat on here and this spec has 
very little to do with HTTP and I think I'd better rest my case about the 



Received on Monday, 3 August 2009 06:54:37 UTC