Re: [Ltru] Issue 181, was: Issue 113 (language tag matching (Accept-Language) vs RFC4647), was: Proposed resolution for Issue 13 (language tags)

Phillips, Addison scripsit:

> I tend to think that HTTP's requirements are most like what the
> Lookup algorithm provides. That is, you can (and must) return
> exactly one result for a given request. 

Actually, no; that's an oversimplification of HTTP.  The whole point of
the error code 300 Multiple Choices is that the server has determined
that more than one resource satisfies the prescriptions of the Accept-*
headers as to the media types, charsets, content-encodings, and languages
specified as allowable by the client.  The body in that case will contain
hyperlinks to the original resources.

While this mechanism is not widely used in the Web today, it does serve
the intended purpose: servers can make different variants of pages
available, and clients see only the ones that they specify as meeting
their minimum requirements.

The question is, then, what to do if there is no resource that specifies
those minimum requirements.  Apache in this case applies the lookup algorithm
to loosen the client requirement in hopes of finding something usable.

Values of beeta will give rise to dom!          John Cowan
(5th/6th edition 'mv' said this if you tried
to rename '.' or '..' entries; see    

Received on Monday, 27 July 2009 17:33:01 UTC