Re: p1-message-07 S 7.1.4

AIUI, because of the way that TCP congestion control works, the impact  
is not just on the server -- it's also on the intervening network  
itself (because congestion control tries to be fair to applications on  
a per-connection basis, so someone opening lots of connections can  
crowd out others when the network starts to get congested).

As such, it isn't a simple economic relationship -- there's no natural  
incentive for clients to not hog shared network resources. This is why  
the HTTP spec imposes an artificial limit that clients have largely  
respected (at least generally).


On 20/07/2009, at 4:08 PM, Adrien de Croy wrote:

>> OTOH, I also think completely removing limitations isn't good  
>> practice either, because there are still networks out there where  
>> congestion is a problem, and having an app open multiple TCP  
>> connections (as many "download accelerators" do) to hog resources  
>> isn't good for the long-term health of the Internet either.
> even a download accelerator that opens dozens of connections isn't  
> necessarily a problem.
> It's kinda like market-driven economics vs socialism.
> If the supplier can't keep up with demand, they have the option to  
> increase supply.  Do we want to take away that option by choking the  
> clients?
> I guess in the end, this is all only a SHOULD level recommendation.   
> Maybe also then add "clients that implement a connection limit  
> SHOULD also provide a mechanism to configure the limit".
> Cheers

Mark Nottingham

Received on Monday, 20 July 2009 06:10:36 UTC