Re: p1-message-07 S 7.1.4

lör 2009-07-18 klockan 15:46 +1200 skrev Adrien de Croy:

> But any client that only made 2 connections to a proxy would be quickly
> dumped by users as basically unusable.  I think this para should be 
> taken out.

The user-agent limit is per accessed server (host component). There is
no specified limit client->proxy when the client accesses multiple sites

The limits are there to prevent unintentionall congestion and
unfairness. Both of the server resources and network.

But yes, it's frequently a problem for certain types of sites, and the
workaround of using multiple sitenames isn't exactly clean.

I would propose adding a way where the HTTP server can grant it's
clients to use more than 2 connections.

> Furthermore the requirements that the second part places on a proxy
> would greatly increase the complexity of the proxy, since it would then 
> have to
> start multiplexing requests from different client connections over the 
> same server
> connections.

Why? The proxy is allowed to open two times the amount of client
connections it sees with requests for the site. In reality this means
that the proxy do not need to bother much about the limit unless it's
proactively opening connections to a server or not pooling idle
proxy<->nexthop persistent connections for reuse but randomly
distributes client requests on many workers each with their own set of
next-hop connections...


Received on Sunday, 19 July 2009 13:59:45 UTC