Re: HTTPOnly Cookies Specification

Dan Winship wrote on 11/21/2008 7:04 AM: 
> What would really be useful would be for someone to pull an HTML5 on
> cookies, documenting how they are actually parsed (ie, not like the
> Netscape spec or either RFC says), how the path and domain parameters
> are actually used (ie, not like the Netscape spec or either RFC says), etc.

I've gotten similar feedback elsewhere:

So what's required to start a cookie WG here at IETF?

I'd imagine the first task would be to identify the various behaviors browsers should have based on the RFCs, then identify the behaviors the browsers actually have.  Do I only test using the latest versions of the browsers?  Or include older versions?  If older versions, which ones?  And which browsers?

- Bil

Received on Wednesday, 17 December 2008 01:22:58 UTC